Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25/14 QOTD

Responses to QOTD posts should be a MINIMUM of 15 words in length.  Feel free to restate the quote in your own words of give real-life examples of ways the quote can be applied to your life.  

Today's quote,

Take nothing for granted! Dont ever know when something will end or how fast things change. Live everyday to its fullest! - Legrand


  1. Who the heck is Legrand? He is saying that things change super fast so live every day like its your last. We have heard this a lot, but I think I just kinda live.

  2. This kind of goes with an essay that I wrote recently. Basically if you have something that you've achieved and worked hard for, don't take it for granted. At anytime it can be taken away from you.

  3. This quote is pretty simple. It's just saying you shouldn't take things or people or moments for granted. You never know how quickly things can change, or someone could leave, or a moment will pass. Always be grateful, and spend each day in a way that you can go to sleep happy at night.

  4. I really like this quote... I think it means that you shouldn't take anything for granted because things can change in a heart beat. A lot happens in life and things can change a lot so live your life to the fullest. This quote can really relate to my life in several different situations.

  5. Don't waste your time on the small things. Don't stress out on things that won't make a difference in a year or so. Take an extra step and live life to the fullest. And NEVER take life seriously, I mean it's not like you're going to get out alive. ;D

  6. You need to focus on the big things and not stess about the little things. You need to know you time limit and how long you have so you can get what you need to get done and not run out of time.
