Monday, August 25, 2014

8/26/14 The Case of the Traveling Service Teams

"When responding to case studies, its important to read the whole case and form your opinion.  Your response to case studies, should be a MINIMUM of 50 words and needs to include what YOU would do if YOU were put into the situation."  

Ready the study below,

All year long you plan Service Learning Trips for students and no matter how well you try to plan them, something always comes up . This year, you have one trip planned to leave for Guatemala where they are going to spend the week teaching leadership in various High Schools . You also have another trip planned to go to the Dominican Republic to work with low-income families and orphans . Both are going to share a bus to the Miami Airport because they fly out at similar times (the Guatemala team flies out 25 minutes earlier than the Dominican Republic team) . In order to make their flights, they are scheduled to leave at 5:00 a .m . for the bus ride that will take an hour and a half to get to the airport .

While the Guatemala team arrives on time, the Dominican Republic team is missing their male student leader . Along with being one of the trip's leaders, he is also the only male going on the trip because all of the others needed to drop out due to financial reasons . Attempts to reach him or his roommates on the phone have proved to be unsuccessful and it's now 5:30 a .m .

In planning these trips, you told everybody that you would leave people behind if they don't wake up on time, but that's not so easy to do in this situation . The Dominican Republic trip, while not overly dangerous, would face some serious complications without a male presence on the trip . However, if more time is taken to wait for this leader, the Guatemala team might miss their flight . The student leader lives about fifteen minutes away from campus, but it's on the way to the airport, so you decide to start driving and hope he answers his phone before you get to his apartment .

As you get closer to where the leader lives, he still hasn't answered his phone . You could pull into the parking lot to knock on his door, but every minute spent waiting for this leader makes it highly possible that you'll run into rush hour traffic in Miami, which would most likely result in the teams missing their flights .

> What would you do? 


  1. I would pull into the driveway and wake that guy up. The group going to the Dominican Republic would have some serious problems without the male and it would be rude to put them in that situation. The people going to Guatemala can wait just a little bit longer in order not to miss their flight. I think it's important not to cancel the trips because of this one guy though. If it comes time to leave, they're going to have to leave.

  2. I would keep calling him, but if he doesn't answer, I'd go drop off the Guatemala kids, and make sure they get on their flight. Then if he still hasn't called by then, I would go ask an airport worker if we could refund his ticket and then use the money to book him a new flight. I'd go with the Dominican Republic kids there, and then if he hadn't showed up, I'd cancel the trip for the DR kids, and take them with me to meet up with the ones in Guatemala. I guess... this is hard to say what the right choice would be.

  3. If i was put in this situation I would go to where he lives. I would knock on his door to try and wake him up. If there was someone that was close to him, I would have them walk in and walk him up. If no one could enter his house and he wouldn't wake up from the knocking I would leave him.

  4. I'm not sure. This is kind of hard to decide. Part of me wants to say just leave him because I did say that if you weren't on time we would leave you behind. And I don't want to be a wishy-washy person. But then part of me would keep calling him, and make sure the Guatemala kids would get on their flight. If he doesn't answer and answer his doorbell or if it was impossible to contact him, I would leave him and go with the Dominican Republic kids and take them to guatemala. This was a pretty confusing situation.

  5. I would say just leave him, but that's not really fair. I would say go to his house and wake him up, or send someone close to do so. If you're behind time i would take the Guatemalan kids to their flight and see if they can refund a ticket.

  6. This is tricky but I would probably say stop and knock on the door. If you leave without him then the people going to the Dominican Republic might run into some big problems. I also want to say to leave him. If the Guatemala kids miss their flight it isn't there fault and they would probably be mad. You have tried as hard as possible to get ahold of him and he made the bad choice of not getting up by when he had to. This is a hard situation. I'm not really sure which one I would choose. Tough choices.
