Monday, December 1, 2014

Thursday 12/4/14 QOTD (15 word min)

 "The smallest package in the world is a person who's wrapped up in themselves." - Tim Elmore


  1. I think this means that people that only care about themselves are selfish and are wrapped up within themselves. Don't be selfish you need to stand out and be yourself don't just care about yourself care about others.

  2. This is a good quote. Don't be so selfish and cocky all of the time. Don't think so highly of yourself. think of others first and what you can do to help them.

  3. This means people are to selfish and need to start putting other people first.

  4. You cant always focus on yourself you need to think of others. The worst people that you run across are the ones that only think of themselves. Always put other before you.

  5. This means that everyone is worth something.. Never take yourself forgranted and always have hope and faith in yourself. The best present is a person because a persons life is un buyable its priceless.

  6. You can't give anything to others by always thinking of yourself first. That's why you need to always have the mentality of putting others before yourself.

  7. This means that the people that are very confined in themselves should think of other instead of themselves.

  8. You can't be introverted and expect people to know who you are. You can't be completely inactive and want people to remember your legacy. You know? Step outside of your comfort zone.

  9. If you're selfish and only worry about yourself then you're not living life the way you should. Be humble and care for others.

  10. Don't be shallow, and a narcasistic jerk. No one likes someone who thinks that they are better than everyone else.
