Monday, February 2, 2015

Tuesday 2/3/15 Morgning Ag Clips (50 word min)

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  1. Man Saves Bear From Drowning
    I don't really know how this is ag related but this was an article on the website. Wild life officers were called to tranquilize the bear when he was spotted in a Florida neighborhood. The bear started running towards the ocean and swam out, then he got drowsy from the tranquilizer gun and started to drown. Adam Warwick, a biologist, dove into the ocean and grabbed the seven foot 400 pound bear. After Adam drug him to shore, officials took him back to his home (forest).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Drought Affects Cattle Farmers
    Cattle farmers and ranchers met in Red Cloud, Nebraska Saturday at the South Central Cattlemen Association's seventh annual Bull Bonanza. The severe drought that has hit the area in recent years has made cattle farming difficult. A lot of guys decreased the numbers of their cow herds, so that the land could sustain the number of cow herds they had.

  4. Drought Affects Cattle Farmers
    Cattle farmers and Ranchers met for the South Central Cattlemen Association's seventh annual Bull Bonanza. Farmers met with other producers to look at bulls for potential purchases. Because of the severe drought in the past years cattle farming has become difficult. The drought has caused a decrease in beef production, which has cause farmers to decrease the size of their herds.

  5. Man saves bear from drowning
    There was a bear roaming around a neighborhood so wildlife officers were called in to tranquilize the bear. When they did that the bear freaked out and ran into the ocean. The bear then got drowsy from getting shot by the tranquilizer and started to drown. Adam Warwick came to the rescue and wanted to save the bear. The bear was 7 feet and weighed 400 pounds. Adam grabbed the bear by the back of the neck and started dragging it to shore. Adam pulled the bear 25 yards to the shore. The team used a tractor to get the bear back to the Osceola National Forrest. Moral of the story this crazy adrenalined guy saved a huge beast from drowning. Everyone can be a life saver in different ways.

  6. Man Saves Bear From Drowning
    There was a bear drowning that Adam Warwick grabbed by the back of his neck and dragged him out of the water. A huge black bear wandered into a Florida neighborhood, wildlife officers were called to calm him and safely take him to the wild. Wildlife officers were called in, and determined that the enormous bear must be tranquilized and moved back to the forest.

  7. The National Corn Grower's Association.....

    Recently, the National Corn Grower's Association released a statement that, in short, said that farming has gotten a lot more efficient and environment friendly. In fact, 44% less energy, and 53% less water has been used in the last few years. Interesting. The effects of this statement and statistic will be great on people's views on large farming organizations. All in all, the efficiency is something that all farmers should be proud of because by using less materials, they can make more. So we're helping the environment and the economy at the same time!
