Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday 10/7/14 QOTD (15 Word Min)

"Lead by inspiration, not intimidation."
― Rebecca Aguilar


  1. I think this quote means you should be a leader. You can be inspired to become a leader you should be focused to become a leader. Intimidation doesn't help you to become a better person.

  2. Lead because you're inspired. Not because you are scared and you feel obligated to. I don't really think intimidation is part of leading though?

  3. You should inspire others to work hard and be leaders themselves. Intimidating others isn't a form of leadership though.

  4. You need lead people by inspiring them to do the right thing. Make them want to follow you in your footstep. Don't just yell at them and scare them into doing the right things. Show them why it is the right thing and inspire them.

  5. Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean cracking the whip on people, it means inspiring them to do what's right.

  6. Ill use an example: Mr. Gunderson was a leader but he wasn't exactly.....inspirational. He was more intimidating than inspirational. Mr. Hulls is inspirational because he has more of a feel for how teenagers want to be treated to actually respect them.

  7. Make people like you and want to do what you do. Dont scare them into it.

  8. Do not go around pressuring people into do things. Make them feel inspired to do whatever it is, by being inspiring yourself.
