Monday, November 17, 2014

Friday 11/21/14 QOTD (15 word min)

 "The trouble with most people is that they quit before they start."Thomas Edison


  1. This is good. Some people think that some things are way too hard and that they could never do it, so they don't. Take a risk though and start it. You never know what might happen.

  2. Most people today make goals but then they don't believe they can achieve them because they don't want to put in the time and effort. Once you start something, work hard to go through and finish it to the end.

  3. People give up to early. They say that they can't do it before they even tired it. You need to take risks and try hard. Don't just give up. Try try try!

  4. You can't give up on your dreams before you start them. If you have a goal, even if it's crazy, let yourself reach for it. For example, if you want to work for NASA go for it. Strive and work as hard as you can, and don't give up before you even try.

  5. I think this quote means be strong and don't give up. It pretty much says what it means people give up before it even starts, so don't give up if you want something strive for it and you'll have better luck to make it.

  6. Don't think you can't do something, if you don't try you don't actually know.


  7. people can be big babies sometimes and they just give up when it doesn't go there way and they just give up

  8. People don't put in the effort they should because they think it's too hard or they can't do it. As long as you try, failure is okay as long as you learn from it and you're willing to try again.

  9. people can be big babies sometimes and they just give up when it doesn't go there way and they just give up

  10. People get discouraged to easily, Take a shot at whatever you want to do instead of thinking you will fail.
