Monday, November 3, 2014

Thursday 11/6/14 QOTD (15 word min)

"It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that."
- Anonymous


  1. Don't just, "fit in." Stand out. Don't go with what the majority does because they are just average. Everyone goes by what the majority does. It takes a special person to be the minority.

  2. I like what Cami said, Don't just fit in with everyone stand out and be yourself. Everyone can make an influence. Its not only the majority can make an influences, the minority can also.

  3. You don't want to be like everyone else. You need to stand out. If you are are with majority then nobody is going to notice you. You will be just like the others. So try with all your heart and be known.

  4. You should be always be yourself. Don't try so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out.

  5. Basically, You are wise, don't hide it. Use it make it known,and take advantage of it.

  6. Being who you are is smart. Allow yourself to have an identity and don't be afraid to show it off.

  7. I think it is saying that you need to get out and do what you want to do be different things may not be the way you think they are.

  8. Don't try to fit in, be yourself and stand out. There are enough people in the world alike that we need more people that are different and aren't afraid to show they're different.
