Monday, November 3, 2014

Friday 11/7/14 BONUS QUOTE!!!! (Up to 10 bonus points)

You will have the opportunity to gain UP TO 10 bonus points for providing a thorough reflection to this video.

Watch Nick Vujicic's speech at the opening session of the National FFA Convention last week.  Use the link below to get to the speech.  Unless you want to watch the Opening Session of Convention, advance the video to the 1:20:00 (1 hr, 20 min).  Nick comes on and speaks immediately after the National FFA Band performance.

In order to get bonus points, you need to watch the video and post your comments about his speech.  You will need to make sure you write a detailed response.  Writing 10 words may get you one bonus point.  Putting time and effort into it will get you more points.

National FFA Convention Session 1



  1. I couldn't get this to work on my computer so I watched it in class today with you. I was so surprised and shocked that he didn't have arms or legs. He told some really great stories from his life. I can only imagine how hard his life is. I think he has a great influence on peoples lives and helps many people out. Being good friends with a dwarf I know how hard is it on him and the way people look at him, I bet its harder yet for him. Nick was born with no arms or legs and didn't know where he wanted to go with his life but know he speaks to people and is a writer and can paint, and swim and much more, just because he looks different doesn't mean he isn't like us, he can do most of the same things we can. I think he had an awesome message. I wish I could of been there to see him.

  2. I always love motivational speakers like that. It is so interesting to see how people like that do daily tasks without certain body parts! He just reminds me of Julia Sullivan. I sat by her at a wedding reception and she even texts! She never knew any different, so she has adapted to that type of life. I feel like Nick would also be a great motivational speaker to children who also have the same disability. Just letting them know that they need to embrace the life that they have been given and make the best out of everything. Have a good sense of humor about it and love life. His story basically tells people that anything is possible if you make goals for yourself and really work at it. It doesn't matter how different you are from your friend, you can do anything.

  3. I love how optimistic he is!! Not a lot of people are able to look past hardships, let alone the ones he's facing. He's clever, funny, and genuinely an amazing, down to earth person. I thought it was sweet that he had tailored clothes. Special. His message was nice and his morals, I appreciate. I also appreciated his speaking abilities. As a speech nerd, I always appreciate a speaker who speaks that well. He's confident, and I like that. I like his honesty, after making people laugh. He wasn't afraid of having no arms and legs, he was afraid of being different and being bullied, and he overcame it. That's genuinely amazing to me.

  4. "You don't need hands to hold her heart." --> cutest quote ever.

  5. "You don't know what miracles can come from those broken pieces until you give those broken pieces- a chance." Love that.
