Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, January 20th Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)


  1. Should farmers’ student loans be forgiven?
    Farmers in their first few years working as interns or apprentices, or even starting out on their own as independent farmers, they’re making a pretty low income. To pay a student loan on top of that is very expensive and almost impossible. With an aging workforce and a huge generation gap with few to no farmers to keep farming, the U.S. could soon face a shortage of people growing food.

  2. Easing World Hunger
    More than 25,000 people die of hunger every day around the world, Van Eenennaam, a professional in animal science, said.
 She talked about how genetic engineering could significantly produce food production. But many people don’t believe in it. It costs $130 million to bring a genetically engineered crop to market. A Canadian company has spent more than $60 million since 1989 in an attempt to obtain regulatory approval to grow salmon that are genetically engineered to be larger.

  3. Higher Protein Boosts Value of Crop
    The price of soybeans is based on the value of soybean meal, oil, and hulls, which is a measurement known as the estimated processed value. (EPV) The Centric Consulting Group LCC did a study that showed how EPV increases when farmers increase the protein in their soybeans. In fact, they say that increasing the protein content by 1 percentage point, when yield and oil levels remain the same, increases the crop's value per acre.

  4. Higher Protein Boosts Value of Crop
    The study conducted by Centrec Consulting Group LLC, shows how EPV increases when farmers raise the protein content in their soybeans. Even and increase by one percent can change the value per acre. Higher-quality soybean meal is a win-win for both the soybean farmer and livestock and poultry producers. So the moral of this story is that they are planing to raise the protein inside of soybeans to increase the value of them. They want to make more money for their crops.

  5. The Farming Bill 2014 Nebraska farmers looking for assistance in evaluating how their operations might fair under different options offered through the 2014 Farm Bill can get direct one-on-one assistance thanks to a new service offered by the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation (NFBF).

  6. Higher Protein Boosts Value of Crop
    The Centrec Consulting Group LLC conducted a study that shows how EPV increases while farmers higher the content of protein in their soybeans. Little increases can make a huge change to the percentages, also. They're panning to higher the protein inside of soybeans to increase their value. And increasing their value is also going to increase their money and business.

  7. First of all, sorry for this being so late. I usually do these before the bell rings on Fridays but I was sick today and I just woke up after sleeping almost all day from my nasty medicine. Anyway, I read Easing World Hunger. In the article, an award winning scientist spoke about how genetically modified animals and plants could help the growing population of the world but there's a lot of regulation and concern about it, so it's unlikely to catch on.

  8. Farmers make a low income, and paying student loans made things more difficult for farmers. Farmers are very important to the world of agriculture and with world hunger being an Issue at the moment, Their loans should be forgiving to ensure that our farmers can keep farming.
