Rosa recently issued a reminder to her employees about non-smoking areas. She reminded them about the dangers of smoking in the warehouse vicinity where highly flammable and combustible materials are stored. She also reminded them about the small fire that broke out in the warehouse several years ago. She explained that smoking areas are designated outside the buildings for use during breaks. For several weeks after the reminder, Justin noticed the smell of cigarette smoke every time he went out to the warehouse. He also noticed that Tami makes an unusual number of daily trips out to the warehouse area. He knows she is a smoker but never sees her use the designated smoking areas. Justin decided to ask Tami why she never used the break area outside. She told him its too cold out there in the winter and too hot in the summer. Justin enjoys working with Tami and she is valued employee, but he's concerned about his safety at work. What should Justin do?
I think Justin should tell Rosa what is going on because it is very dangerous and someone could get hurt. I know it would be tough for Justin but its the best thing to do because its not only his safety but the other employees safety. If she doesn't want to go to the smoking areas she either needs to quite smoking or needs to find another job where she can smoke because its not fair she is endangering the others.
ReplyDeleteI think Justin needs to go to Tami and explain how he feels unsafe at work. I think that would hit home for her a lot more instead of just asking why she doesn't smoke in the designated areas. Because maybe he came off a little, bratty when he said that. If she still doesn't listen to him then, then I think he needs to go to Rosa and tell her what is going on. then she should be able to handle it from there.
ReplyDeleteI think Justin needs to talk to Tami about any of his concerns. He doesn't know for sure if she really is smoking out there or not. I would just ask her, and tell her how I feel. You don't just want to accuse her of doing though in case she isn't. That would lose the trust between the two of them. It's like when we invaded Iraq because we "thought" they were making "nuclear weapons." If Tami isn't cooperating with Justin and he still feels unsafe and unsure at work I would talk to Rosa about the situation and try and get it handled in the best way possible.
ReplyDeleteI think Justin should try talking to Tami about what she is doing. He needs to remind her of the tire that was there a couple of years ago and how serious this could be. He needs to tell her that there are special spots for a reason and if he can't get her to stop then I think he needs to take it to someone bigger. Smoking while in dangerous places is never good. Bad things can happen and if she doesn't realize that then he needs to get someone more important to talk to her before she loses her job.
ReplyDeleteJustin needs to take it to a higher authority because even if he likes working with her, she's endangering their lives if she is. This doesn't mean just come out and accuse her, but this means keep under inspection and maybe put cameras up or something, so she won't do it anymore. Not only is she being selfish, she's endangering other lives, and the store's life, money, and success. If this is her really doing it, she needs to be confronted.
ReplyDeleteIf Justin is the boss, write her up. People don't get away with smoking at the mall. It's not safe; it's not sanitary; it's not following the rules. If she continues to do it, fire her.
ReplyDeleteIf he's not the boss, talk to someone in higher authority because it isn't his place to call her out on it or yell at her, and it's not worth risking his own job for being that way. Maybe just tell her politely to stop and explain his concerns, and if she keeps doing it, he should tell upper management.
I think that she should tell her that if shes going to keep smoking in the ware house shes going to burn everything down then the place will close the down then she will not have a job then she will live on the streets just because of one little cigaret.
ReplyDeleteJustin needs to tell a manager. It could result in the building blowing up and everyone dying. If Tami can't see what she is doing is dangerous to everyone else then she's not a good person. She kind of seems self centered. She is risking everyone else's life because she can't go without smoking. She should really get fired. And if Justin is worried about their friendship, he shouldn't be. She didn't consider him or the others she works with.