Monday, March 30, 2015

Thursday 4/2/15 Case Study (50 word min)

Mike landed his dream job a year ago.  He's doing what he loves and works with a great group of people.  His employer and coworkers seems very pleased with him, his work ethic, and the quality of his work.  He has earned an excellent reputation.  He was excited last week when another position opened up and he helped his friend, Anthony, get hired, too.  But after only a week, Mike is starting to wonder if he did the right thing by providing such a strong recommendation for Anthony.  By the end of the first week, Anthony started coming in a few minutes late, taking extra long breaks and texting his girlfriend throughout the day.  Anthony isn't taking his training seriously, and Mike has been covering for him.  Mike is disappointed in Anthony's lack of effort and is starting to feel Anthony is abusing their friendship.  He is hoping his friend's poor performance doesn't reflect badly on him.  Mike has tried to talk to Anthony, but he just laughs it off and teases him for being a "company man."  What should Mike do?  


  1. I think mike needs to tighten up the reigns with Anthony. He needs to let him know that hey, he isn't joking. I know it would be hard to do that just because he is a friend and friends joke around. But maybe he needs to just get super serious with him and say he is going to have to let him go if he doesn't get serious and doesn't start giving his best effort. It may ruin a friendship, but you want the top best people working for you. It would show a lot of character about Mike too, just letting everyone know how serious he takes his work.

  2. I think Mike needs to talk to Anthony and needs to let him now that his actions are effecting their friendship. If Anthony doesn't straighten up I think he needs to be fired so that it doesn't affect Mike. I think Mike should talk to high authorities and let them know the situation so that Mike doesn't begin to look bad. Anthony needs to understand that he needs to take it seriously.

  3. Mike needs to talk to Anthony again and be VERY clear about how Anthony's actions are effecting Mike's reputation. It's not fair for him to abuse Mike's friendship like that. If Anthony still isn't taking him seriously, he should talk to another coworker and maybe have them talk to Anthony. Maybe it'd help to hear it from somebody else. And if that doesn't work; talk to a manager, apologize, and see what further steps need to be taken.

  4. Mike needs to let Anthony know how he is feeling. He needs to tell him that he's disappointed the the way Anthony is acting and that he won't put up with it. No one wants a co-worker who isn't taking their job seriously in the workplace. If Anthony refuses to listen to Mike, he needs to speak with a person of higher authority to get the problem fixed. Mike helped Anthony to get the job, Anthony shouldn't be abusing it like that.

  5. I think Mike needs to stand up and tell him to do his job right or get out of there. They're getting paid to work, and that's what he needs. He shouldn't have to look bad to make his friend better. His friend should make him look better, not even meaning to. He needs to step up and take it seriously or just stop working there. He needs to stand up and take responsibility.

  6. I think he should stop covering for him, and give him a stern talking to about how his actions reflect on you. If he tries to laugh it off, he should tell him this is not a laughing matter, and he can get him fired just as easily as he got him hired. Unleash the sass on him.

  7. I believe that Mike needs to get his point across to Anthony that he is hurting their friendship. Mike was nice enough to give him a good word and help him to get the job the least he could do was do the job. He shouldn't just blow it off when Mike tries to talk to him. He needs to listen to Mike and show that Mike made a good choice when he referred him to work for them and gave them such a good recommendation.

  8. I think Mike needs to tell Anthony to get his act together since he put in a good word for him. If you doesn't stop I would tell my boss that he isn't doing his job correctly and that he is being lazy.

  9. I think he should talk to his employer he has more power to take this situation over and do something about it and will wipe him into shape
