Monday, March 23, 2015

3/26/15 QOTD (15 word min)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo da Vinci


  1. "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." – Albert Einstein.
    I think this quote helps explain that quote very well. If you can't explain it to someone you can't explain it to yourself. Life is very challenging and some people can't explain their life and can't tell us why they make the decisions they do, so we don't understand.

  2. This kind of reminds me of tomorrow's quote too. Its saying that sometimes the most simple things are the greatest things in life.

  3. Not everything has to be over the top all the time. I think especially today, people think that. Sometimes it's better to just keep things simple.

  4. You don't always have to have the biggest and most complex things. The little things can mean the most as well. Simple is better than complex.

  5. The simple life is where it's at. Money can't buy happiness, it is the simple things in life that mean the most. You can't take your $100,000 car when you go, so you should focus on the more important things in life, which happen to be the simple things.

  6. Be simple. Not everything has to go above and beyond, because at that point, people won't even like you anymore because you're always trying to show somebody up, it seems like. Simple is just as good, if not better as complex.

  7. I like this quote because it's true. You have to remember to "smell the flowers," because sometimes the best things in life are the most simple ones. Whether it's seeing your best friend for the first time in a while, laughing with somebody over a lame pun, feeling the rain on your face after a hot day, or even just coming home and smelling your mom's perfume after being gone for a long time. You have to appreciate the little things.

  8. pretty much what everyone else said that life is simple if you do the things you want to.

  9. pretty much what everyone else said that life is simple if you do the things you want to.

  10. I think it is saying that things are not as easy as you think they are.

  11. When I think of this I think of jewelry. If you use a little jewelry and make it tasteful its okay, but when you wear tacky big jewelry and lots of it, it makes you look tacky. It's the same with anything I guess. Like being yourself.
