Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday/Tuesday 9/22-23 Case Study (50 word minimum response)

The Case of the Dropping GPA

Tyrone and Floyd were assigned to live together and met for the first time when they moved into their residence hall . Floyd received an academic scholarship and was given a full tuition waiver as long as he maintained a 3 .5 grade point average . Tyrone was a reasonably good student in high school, but not nearly the caliber of student that Floyd was .Instead,Tyrone excelled as an athlete and was voted the most popular guy in his senior class . He has a very active social life and quickly became well liked by everyone on the floor .

Floyd admired Tyrone, and although he was reasonably good looking, he lacked the social confidence and poise which seemed to come so naturally to Tyrone . Because of Tyrone's popularity on the floor, their room became the place to hang out . There was always someone in their room talking, watching a movie, or playing video games . At least once a week, Floyd found himself sleeping in either the lounge or someone else's room because the activities seldom broke up before 3:00 AM .

Although Floyd realized that all of this activity was detracting from his schoolwork, he likes Tyrone and the other men on the floor . He wanted to be a part of the group and enjoyed the attention he got from the people who were constantly in and out of his room . This experience had positive benefits for Floyd as he felt more self- confident, was more comfortable in groups, and was able to connect with a lot more friends than he would have on his own . Floyd had even been on several double dates with Tyrone and his girlfriend, and was beginning to develop a relationship with one woman in particular .

Midterm grades were sent home to the parents of Floyd and Tyrone . Both men had a 2 .75 GPA, which was fine with Tyrone and his parents because they knew his strengths weren't necessarily in the classroom . Floyd's parents, however, were very concerned by the report . They realized that Floyd would lose his scholarship if his grades did not improve . They called the school and your supervisor wants a recommendation on what to do, if anything, about Floyd, his new life-style, and Tyrone .

> What would you do? (make sure your response is a minimum of 50 words)


  1. I think I would tell them how Floyd has gone through a lot of changes. Maybe the parents should ask Floyd if he would like a different lifestyle with someone more like him. Tyrone should realize that grades are important to Floyd and compromise about what he does outside of the classroom. If he can't handle it, then they should find new roommates.

  2. I would try to help Floyd. I think I would try to talk to Floyd about his grades. I would try to talk to Floyd and explain to him what he could loose because of his grades. I would also talk to Tyrone and explain to him that his actions are effecting Floyd. I would try to explain to Floyd that hanging out with friends one or two night a week is okay but not every night because it was taking away from his studying time. Also I would talk to Floyd and see if he would like to move into a different room so he had more time to study.

  3. I think I would tell Floyd that he needs to talk to Tyrone. Tyrone should know that grades are important to Floyd and he should respect that. I think Floyd should tell Tyrone that he can still have friends and hang out, but make them leave by 10:00 so that way Floyd can do his learning. If Floyd tells hims that and is respectful about it but, Tyrone isn't decent enough to respect Floyd's needs that Floyd should find a different roommate that is more like him. Floyd needs the grade to keep the scholarship and scholarships are very important.

  4. I would tell Floyd that if he keeps going on what track hes going on his train is going to derail and he wont have what he has if he keeps it up and I would talk to Tyrone and tell him to keep up his work and be more responsible and tell them both that to not give up and they should probably should not stay in the same room with each and expand out.

  5. I would talk to Floyd and his parents about whatever it is that he is going through and try to fix the problem. If he needs to keep his grades up in order not to lose his scholarship he should be placed in a different spot than he is now. Somewhere where he can focus on his school work. I'm not saying he shouldn't have a social life because I believe that he should but he needs to put his school work first and make sure that is his priority above everything else.

  6. He should talk to his parents and guidance counselor. Maybe he could plan out a study schedule in the library or in an empty room. There's no need to give up his friendship but he shouldn't lose his scholarship for it either. Be a friend, but also do what's best for yourself above all. You know? It's necessary to see what YOU need before you let other people take it away before you know what you're missing.

  7. I would try to get him to understand that he needs to manage his time wisely tell his friends that he has stuff he has to do so he doesnt lose his scholarship and even maybe the friends could come help him. But sometimes you do have to think about yourself over other people since we are all individuals and all need to live for ourselves sometimes since what we do affects our lives also not just other peoples, they should also understand that. (the friends)
