The Case of the Unsatisfied Student Leader
A few days ago, one of your Student Activities leaders, Carol, came up to you and presented the idea of hosting a Spring Formal dance . While you love her enthusiasm, you tried to explain to her why it wasn't such a good idea this year . You have helped to plan these events in the past and have seen the attendance slowly decline over the years . Your student leaders decided last year to take a few years off so the student body could get excited about it again .
Not being one to take "no" for an answer, Carol went to the President of the school because he has always seemed like someone who wanted to be open and accessible to the student body . She asked him what he thought about it and he loved the idea and told her to go ahead with it . He said he couldn't understand why it was ever decided to stop planning the event in the first place, and he even offered to provide some discretionary funding to make it a success .
Carol stopped by this morning and told you about the President's decision . She tried to be respectful, and said, "I know you told me not to, but I really think this is a great idea . I totally respect you, but I really just feel that the campus needs this to happen . You don't need to attend, and I promise not to bother you with any of the planning details ."
> What would you do?
> How would this affect your relationship with Carol?
I'm not sure what I would do. I feel that my relationship with Carol would definitely be broken. The trust that was once there would no longer be there and she would have to find a way to earn it back somehow. I probably wouldn't want to help with it, but would end up doing it to help out. I wouldn't be so much upset about having the actual dance, but how Carol just went behind my back to do it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I would do. I don't think I would have a friendship with Carol and if I did it would really change it. After someone breaks my trust they have to gain it back and that takes a while. I would probably help out because that is the way I have been raised but i wouldn't trust her. I would be upset of how Carol went behind my back to do it why would she hide it.
ReplyDeleteIf you let a friendship go over a stupid dance, then you obviously have trust issues. If her friend doesn't want to be involved and help with the dance, then she should tell Carol and she doesn't have to help with it. Who knows, maybe she'll go to the dance and she will have the best time with tons of people. If it isn't a success, then trial and error. Maybe they won't have nit next year. DON'T CRY OVER SPILLED MILK.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm not really sure there is anything that you can do. I mean clearly Carol isn't going to take no for an answer so I would just let her do what she wants to. I don't think that it is anything to fight over. Maybe I would be a little upset with Carol at first, but you shouldn't hold a grudge on someone for some stupid reason. I probably would go to the dance myself to see if I liked it or not and if the turn out is big I would congratulate Carol and tell her that she did a great job. If she didn't get much of a turn out I wouldn't say anything to her. I think it would be a good learning lesson for her. She would find out the hard way that things don't always go how you want them to.
ReplyDeleteI would ask her why she said that about me then I would proceed to yell at her and ask her what good did that do to her and then I would never talk to her again.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be mad. Obviously Carol felt strongly about it. There is no reason making yourself upset about something you can't change. I wouldn't be mad or unfriend Carol. But I wouldn't really trust her to respect me anymore. Doesn't mean I can't be nice to her though... I don't know. Like Cami said, don't sweat the little things (don't cry over spilt milk.)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't get mad at Carol. I might be a little annoyed but she showed persistence. And obviously she felt really strongly about this. It would be stupid to get mad at her for something as minimal as that. It wouldn't have been much of a friendship to get that angry and ruin a friendship over.
ReplyDeletei agree with what travis said i would yell at her and never talk to her again.
ReplyDeleteWell there isn't much of anything you can do about it. 11 It may have bothered me somewhat, but only because she asked for me opinion and advice on the situation, and then she blew it off. I do have to give Carol props, because she wants the best for the school and is optimistic about it. She worked to get the dance in the works again, and I need to support her.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be mad at Carol. She had strong feelings about it, but its pointless to be upset & hold a grudge.